Monday, May 16, 2011

Tips and Trick -

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Hello my friends and the loyal visitors Isal Games, there may be amongst you who have difficulty in downloading the games that were here or problems that often appear on the downloaded files. The following are some simple tips and tricks, maybe can help you in solving the problem.

Petunjuk Menggabungan File Hasil Download
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  • When you find the file extension "rar, zip and 7z" you can use Winrar to extract them.

  • When you find the file extension "001" you can use hjsplit to join.

  • When you find the file extension "._a" you can use FFSJ to join.

  • When you find the file extension ".a00,.a01,.A02,...alz" you can use ALLZip to extract them.

  • And the latter is also the file extension ".vnw" for the file you just renamed RAR file then extract using Winrar.

Cara Mengatasi File Hasil Download yang Corrupt
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The first way :
Downloaded file sometimes have errors / corrupted when being extracted. But the file still can be extracted. Do not immediately deleted. Follow the steps below:
  1. Right click on the file to be extracted

  2. Click "extract files..."

  3. Mark/check "keep broken files"

  4. Click OK

Look like the image below:

The second way :
In this second way that I give examples of fixing games Farming Simulator 2011
  1. Double click on the file, example "FS.2011.part1.rar"

  2. After entering Winrar, press ALT + R

  3. Wait until the process is complete

  4. After the process is complete it will display a new file named "fixed.FS.2011.part1.rar"

  5. Delete files that have been in the repair "FS.2011.part1.rar"

  6. Rename the new file, example "fixed.FS.2011.part1.rar" to "FS.2011.part1.rar"

  7. Please do steps 1-6 for other files that are corrupted

The third way :
The third way is only using a small program called RAR Recovery Toolbox, with the program you can repair the corrupted files and also to extract it. Without further ado please try to own the program, below I provide a download link for Rar Recovery Toolbox, Good Luck...!!!


Tips and Tricks are not 100% guarantee your files are extracted to perfection, but we see the situation and condition of the files you have downloaded, if the damage was too severe, the possibility is very small in order to extract the file.

Tutorial Set Compatibility Pada Win vista dan 7
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Tutorial Set Compatibility Pada Win vista dan 7
Langsung saja kita liat langkah-langkahnya dibawah ini:
1. Klik kanan pada aplikasi game (exe), kemudian "Properties"
2. Pilih tab "Compatibility"

3. Cek "Run This Program in Compatibility mode for" lalu pilih OS kmudian "OK"

Tutorial Resume download pada MF menggunakan IDM
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Tutorial Resume download pada MF menggunakan IDM
Langsung saja kita liat langkah-langkahnya dibawah ini:
  1. Klik file download pada IDM, kemudian RESUME

  2. Maka akan muncul gambar seperti di bawah ini:
  3. Lalu klik OK

  4. Muncul lagi gambar seperti di bawah ini:
  5. Tunggu beberapa saat hingga membuka link download di browser.

  6. Download kembali, maka file yg di download akan kembali berjalan meneruskan yg sudah ada (resume).

Link download MF pada browser selalu reload, gak muncul tulisan downloadnya (slalu prosesing)
Solusi: clear cookies dan history pada web browser terlebih dahulu dan lakukan kembali

Tutorial Update Vga Driver
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Tutorial Update Vga Driver
Langsung saja kita liat langkah-langkahnya dibawah ini:
  1. Klik Star menu, pilih "RUN" atau bisa juga tekan tombol di keyboard "win+R"

  2. Ketik "DXDIAG" lalu "OK"

  3. Setelah muncul Direcx Diagnostic Tool, pilih tab "Display"

  4. Liat "nama",di situ tercantum device yg di pake beserta seriesnya.

  5. Kemudian,untuk

  6. Kemudian di web tersebut masukkan seperti yang tertera pada Direcx Diagnostic Tool td. NAMA device, Series device

Jangan sampai salah medownload dan menginstall yg bukan satu kesamaan device dan series yang di pakai

Tutorial Install DirectX 9 Juni 2010
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Tutorial Install DirectX 9 Juni 2010
Langsung saja kita liat langkah-langkahnya dibawah ini:
  1. Download DirectX 9 Juni 2010 disini, setelah download install.

  2. Kalau muncul seperti gambar di bawah ini:

  3. Klik browse, Lalu pilih folder untuk tempat ekstrak (klu bisa buat folder kosong) setelah itu file akan terekstrak ke folder yg di tuju

  4. Masuk ke folder tadi untuk liat hasil ekstrak, maka hasilnya akan spt gambar di bawah ini:

  5. Kemudian cari file yg bernama "DXSETUP.exe" lalu jalankan untuk proses instalasi directx

  6. Tunggu sampai selesai. Ikuti gambar2 di atas

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